ERM Robotique provides several ready-to-use games with the AskNAO Tablet solution. With this pre-installed content, the user has a turnkey solution, and can start working with the robot right away.
The applications focus on 4 areas : educational games, physical activities for which child must imitate or guide NAO, stories that develop children’s listening skills, and awards.
Educational games
NAO games usually take place as follows : the robot presents a situation, then it asks a question and pronounces a award sentence if successful. Answers can be given either orally, by showing an object or a map, or using the tablet. For special needs, the teacher can control the rollout of the game manually.

vNAO asks the children to show him animals, transportation and other objects (Customizable)

Other developments are in progress to enrich this library.
Physical activities
NAO’s 25 degrees of freedom give it a great agility, allowing it to perform many positions and movements.
The list of available activities is the following :
Yoga adventure : NAO practices Yoga and the child imitates its positions (Tablet version).
Follow me : The child takes NAO by the hand, and the robot follows him.

To stimulate children’s attention :
The three musketeers : NAO tells the three musketeers story, and mimes gestures.
Christmas eve : A little story for good children.
Pirates story : A story that involves sailors, parrots and a treasure.
Awards are usually used to congratulate the child after an activity. It can be dances or movements to watch, in which the child is passive, and therefore has no action to provide.
Some of AskNAO Tablet awards are :
Electroswing dance : NAO dances on Little Lilly Swing by Tri Tachyon.
Zombie Disco dance
Mister Funk dance
Taichi Dance: NAO makes Taichi movements.